China’s Poorly Regulated Food and Drugs Threaten U.S. Consumers –– This was an Op-Ed written by Dr. Alex Berezow and published in USA Today arguing that America needs to stop importing essential items until China proves it can be a responsible member of the global community.
ACSH Expert Discusses Latest on Remdesivir –– Dale Cooper of WCHS radio in Charleston, WV interviewed Dr. Josh Bloom, ACSH's Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, about the potential COVID19-treatment, as well as warnings about fraudulent medicines.
The Fight Against Coronavirus –– In this piece, the reporter from the Orange County Register cited a portion of an article about ultraviolet light written in February by Dr. Berezow, our VP of Scientific Communications who holds a PhD in microbiology.
Artificial and Natural Flavors Are More Alike Than You Think –– But Are They Safe to Eat? – On Livestrong.com ACSH was cited on the topic of flavors that are “often produced artificially.”
9 Things You Should Never Flush Down a Toilet –– Since we're all at home so much more than ever, Yahoo! Finance assembled a list of things that one should not be tempted to do in the bathroom. Dr. Berezow weighed in on how not to handle cooking oil.
Kirby Wilbur Radio Show –– Dr. Berezow appeared on Kirby Nation discussing promising treatments and medicines emerging in clinical trials that are helping COVID-19 patients recover quickly.
ACSH Live on WV Radio –– Our Dr. Bloom was asked back to the Dale Cooper's program on WCHS to speak about “COVID-related medical woo and promising upcoming treatments.“
Kirby Wilbur Radio Show –– Dr. Berezow appeared on Kirby Nation discussing the latest news about the coronavirus pandemic.
Hand Sanitizer Does Expire, Here’s Whether It’s Still Worth Using –– Dr. Berezow was cited in Business Insider Malaysia on the effectiveness of using the gel, even if the sanitizer has passed its expiration date, which is the maker’s best guess as to when the alcohol ingredient drops below 60%. “Some alcohol is better than nothing,” he notes.
What is Hydroxychloroquine? How to Know if the Drug is Safe –– Prominently crediting Dr. Berezow, for medically reviewing an article for Insider that was widely distributed on MSN, which dealt with the risks and benefits of using the potentially-dangerous, anti-malaria drug.
Here is the Scientific Process Behind How Vaccines Are Made –– For this article in Business Insider Malaysia Dr. Berezow was noted as having reviewed the explanation related to the vaccine production process.
Stop the Panic. Don’t Let the Coronavirus Win –– An Op-Ed in USA Today by Dr. Alex Berezow, who argues that while COVID-19 is a public health emergency, precautions must be proportionate to the risk.
Dr. Berezow on "Jimmy at the Crossroads" –– Discussing his USA Today opinion piece with Denver-based radio personality Jimmy Sengenberger, whose partnership with The Washington Examiner is a new kind of political talk program: an audio podcast and video broadcast.
Household Cleaners You Should Never Mix –– Crediting Dr. Josh Bloom, for scientifically reviewing an article for Business Insider Australia on the essentials of sticking to one household cleaner at a time per surface, to avoid creating dangerous chemical reactions. Drs. Bloom and Berezow accepted invitations to join Insider's Medical Review Board, as did ACSH advisor Dr. David Seres.
Jewish Doctor Urges Israel to Follow his Off-Label Coronavirus Treatment –– The Jerusalem Post quotes Dr. Charles Dinerstein, ACSH's Director of Medicine, who characterized the doctor's research as “more a demonstration of anecdotal information than anything approaching a peer-review process.”