ACSH in the News (from April 2008-September 2008)

By ACSH Staff — Sep 30, 2008
•"The Scariest Health Threat You've Never Heard Of: Autoimmune Disease," from the September 2008 issue of Glamour, quoted Jeff Stier saying, "People want to blame chemicals where they don't have another explanation for the cause of a disease. I think we need more psychologists rather than more toxicologists." •The September 29, 2008 New York Sun piece "Salt Is Next on City's Hit List" quoted Dr. Gilbert Ross likening New York City's anti-salt plans to the trans fat ban.

•"The Scariest Health Threat You've Never Heard Of: Autoimmune Disease," from the September 2008 issue of Glamour, quoted Jeff Stier saying, "People want to blame chemicals where they don't have another explanation for the cause of a disease. I think we need more psychologists rather than more toxicologists."

•The September 29, 2008 New York Sun piece "Salt Is Next on City's Hit List" quoted Dr. Gilbert Ross likening New York City's anti-salt plans to the trans fat ban.

•The Pediatric Pointers column by Dr. Carolyn Roy-Bornstein of the Haverhill Gazette on September 25, 2008 quoted ACSH's reassurances on phthalates, in a piece entitled "Plasticizers and Children's Health" ( ).

•A September 25, 2008 e-mail from the managing editor of the Dayton Daily News emphasized that the negative comments about ACSH posted by one of their employees were his own opinion and did not necessarily reflect the paper's views.

•The September 24, 2008 Dow Jones Newswire column "Nonprofit Left Out In Auction-Rate Deal" by Daisy Maxey noted ACSH being left out in the cold in UBS Financial Services Inc.'s settlement with regulators on sales of auction-rate securities during the start of the Financial Crisis.

•The September 21, 2008 Detroit News piece "Flame retardants: They're in your blood" ( ) by Jennifer Chambers noted ACSH's report underscoring the safety of brominated flame retardants.

•The New York Sun's September 17, 2008 piece "Chemical in Plastic Is Linked to Heart and Liver Problems" quoted Jeff Stier defending BPA.

•The Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report for September 15, 2008 noted a Washington Times piece by Dr. Gilbert Ross about exaggerated fears that suicides might resulting from antidepressants.

•CQ Healthbeat News on September 15, 2008 cited Jeff Stier in its piece "CDC Launches New MRSA Education Campaign" by Amrit Naresh.

•The September 9, 2008 Steve Maltzberg program on WOR featured Dr. Elizabeth Whelan discussing the "food police," her op-ed topic in the New York Post that generated response letters.

•The August 2008 piece "The Safety of Nuclear Energy" cited ACSH's report on that topic.

•The August 19, 2008 Plastics News piece "Debunking Another Hoax" cites ACSH's HealthFactsAndFears as a reliable blog: .

•The August 19, 2008 piece "Smoking ban issue has multiple sides" from the Herald Bulletin quoted Dr. Elizabeth Whelan.

•"Los Angeles City Councilor Claims that Secondhand Smoke is More Harmful than Active Smoking; Pushes Ban on Smoking Everywhere Outdoors" (August 13, 2008): .

•"Critique Stirs Media Interest in the Center's March 2008 Study on Nutrient Content" (August 13, 2008): .

•"Nutrition Flip Flops": .

•The August 2, 2008 Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News issue included Dr. Elizabeth Whelan's piece on "A Sensible Approach to Interpreting Research," reminding reporters and others association does not equal causation.

•A Trends in Biotechnology piece co-written by ACSH Trustee Dr. Henry Miller, "Biotechnology a Victim of Anti-Science Bias in Scientific Journals?" cites Dr. Elizabeth Whelan: .

•Dr. Elizabeth Whelan was on Canada's Business News Network on July 31, 2008.

•The July 30, 2008 piece "Scientist Debunks Myth of Organic Nutritional Superiority" by Canada Free Press(Canada Free Press) noted the review for ACSH of organic food exaggerations, written by Joseph D. Rosen, Ph.D.

•The July 28, 2008 Food Production Daily piece "Organic food 'good for you' says EU" noted ACSH's criticism of organic claims.

•Jeff Stier was on Radio Liberty Europe in July 2008.

•A July 28, 2008 New York Post letter ( )

•Jeff Stier was a guest on the July 23, 2008 Hirschfield and Kula radio show.

•Jeff Stier's criticism of the NYC Dept. of Health "Healthy Bucks" program was lauded on July 22, 2008 at: .

•In the July 22, 2008 piece "Organic nutritional advantages questioned again" ( ), noted the ACSH report on organic food myths, written by Joseph Rosen.

•ACSH Advisor Dr. John Dale Dunn (citing Dr. Elizabeth Whelan's views as well) wrote "Minnesota Governor Vetoes Legislature's Chemical Ban" ( ) for Heartland Institute's Environment & Climate News, August 1, 2008.

•A July 2008 Dallas News piece noted ACSH's skepticism about warnings of "toxic toys": .

•The National Policy Center piece "Internet Drugs? Be Careful" cited ACSH's warnings on that topic.

•The Orange County Register piece "More unintended consequences of going green..." from June 19th, 2008 cited ACSH Advisor John Dale Dunn on the irony of green drivers of electric cars in some cases having groundless fears of the vehicles' electric and magnetic fields.

•The June 13, 2008 findingDulcinea piece "Gay Activists Say Blood Donation Restrictions Are Outdated&qu

ot; ( ) cited Jeff Stier's criticism of such policies

•ACSH letters to the editor printed in 2008 included ones in Washington Post, L.A. Times, the Star Phoenix, USA Today, Baltimore Sun, and Seattle Times.

•ACSH's warnings about cigarettes were noted at and , though we do not endorse many of the site's claims.

•June 2008 citations of ACSH included pieces the Indianapolis Star and the Globe and Mail, as well as the blog SwollenPickles: .

•ACSH was cited on Jacob Grier's blog in June 2008: and the CNNetc blog noted our position on eggs: .

•Jeff Stier's criticism of alternative-medicine dietary supplements was noted in the June 5, 2008 State Journal article "Healing Hands": .

•A June 4, 2008 piece by noted ACSH as a counter to mainstream media's uncritical repetition of CSPI press releases: . The cite also noted ACSH here: .

•The June 4, 2008 AARP The Magazine article "Heartburn Cooldown" cited ACSH.

•An ACSH video for Medscape by Dr. Elizabeth Whelan on "The Top Ten Unfounded Health Scares of the Year" proved highly popular in

•Jeff Stier's comments about Obama's smoking were noted on the show Fox and Friends on May 29, 2008 and earlier on the Fox show Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld.

•The Terry Etherton Blog on Biotechnology noted ACSH's inauguration of the Henry I. Miller Award for science writing: .

•Jeff Stier was on the XM radio show 1600 with Rebecca Roberts on May 29, 2008.

•A Baltimore Sun blog entry on May 28, 2008, "Obama smoking presents health issue," noted Jeff Stier's writing about Obama's health records and his smoking.

•A May 28, 2008 SwampPolitics/Chicago Tribune piece ( and ) noted Jeff Stier's concerns about Obama's incomplete health records release.

•Gawker mocked Jeff Stier's warnings about Obama's smoking in a May 23, 2008 piece called "McCain Healthy, Barack Obama Doomed."

• in May 2008 noted ACSH's summer safety tips.

•A May 21, 2008 Montgomery Advertiser piece noted ACSH's health and safety tips for spring and summer.

•Jeff Stier was on the Dennis Prager Show on May 15, 2008 discussing secondhand smoke.

•The May 13, 2008 piece "Acrylamide in Diet: Cancer Risk?" on WebMD ( ) quoted Jeff Stier.

•Todd Seavey's 2008 Reason magazine cover story about exaggerated nanotech claims was reprinted by Silicon Valley site MetroActive ( ).

•In April 2008, the American Meat Institute included taped comments from Dr. Elizabeth Whelan and Dr. Ruth Kava among clips on its YouTube channel: .

•An April 2008 item on mentioned Stier's recent piece on Obama.

•An April 28, 2008 letter to the editor in the Washington Times from David O. Carpenter of the Institute for Health and the Environment condemned ACSH's position on plastics.

•An April 22, 2008 piece called "Unintended Global Consequences" noted ACSH's skepticism about Alar fears.

•Dr. Elizabeth Whelan appeared on Fox on April 22, 2008 to react to exaggerated reports of declining life expectancy.

•Wonkette on April 18, 2008, in a post entitled "Obama to Die of Stroke If President " ( ) noted Jeff Stier's Huffington Post piece warning that Obama's health is affected by his smoking.

•On April 16, 2008, a NY1 anchor's survey of the day's headlines noted Jeff Stier's piece on roaches in New York Post, which was also cited on Gawker ( -- as was Stier's request for a correction of the first Gawker citation: ), Salon ( ), Fast Company ( ), and Mom and Pop NYC ( ).

•ACSH's view of eggs was noted in McClatchy Newspapers' April 16, 2008 piece "Good egg: Nutrition experts say cooks shouldn't fear the egg."

•Dr. Gilbert Ross was interviewed by Canada's CTV about BPA on April 15, 2008.

•Michael Jacobson of the Center for Science in the Public Interest condemned ACSH in a letter to the Washington Times: .

•Dr. Gilbert Ross's Today appearance on the topic of BPA was also part of an piece called "Is Your Water Bottle Safe?" in April 2008.

•Dr. Gilbert Ross's appearance on NBC's Today to discuss BPA in water bottles was noted by .

•Dr. Gilbert Ross appeared in a Matt Lauer-hosted Today segment on BPA in water bottles: .

•Jeff Stier appeared on Vicki McKenna's radio show in April 2008 to discuss vaccine-avoidance and outbreaks of childhood diseases.

•The blog Get the Skinney on April 7, 2008 noted ACSH's survey of nutrition reporting in magazines: .

•The Heritage Insider of April 4, 2008 noted ACSH's report on industry-funded science.

•Inside EPA mentioned ACSH's skepticism about the extent of industry's purported negative impact on EPA policy in the April 2, 2008 piece "Dingell Targets Key Chemical Group's Influence on EPA Science," reprinted in Defense Environment Alert on April 15.