All-natural hype: VitaminWater ad says consumers don t need flu shot

By ACSH Staff — Feb 04, 2011
VitaminWater advertisements are under attack again, this time by the National Consumers League, for suggesting that the beverage can eliminate the need for flu shots. In a poster ad, consumers are told that flu shots are so last year because VitaminWater s Vitamin C content means more immunity.

VitaminWater advertisements are under attack again, this time by the National Consumers League, for suggesting that the beverage can eliminate the need for flu shots. In a poster ad, consumers are told that flu shots are so last year because VitaminWater s Vitamin C content means more immunity.

These ads are counter productive for public health, laments ACSH's Dr. Elizabeth Whelan. They use the all-natural campaign to send the wrong message to consumers and steer them away from good health practices. This is unacceptable! Whatever the intent of the ad, we re afraid some people will take it literally and forgo their flu shot.

I believe the VitaminWater people would say, Hey, it s just a joke! We don t think it s funny, stated ACSH's Dr. Gilbert Ross.