
As Halloween approaches, are you thinking about how you can make “socially conscious” candy choices?
Over the weekend, I took my family to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. My wife and I loved going as kids, and now that we have a young son, we were eager to watch him experience it for the first time.
I was eating at Panda Express earlier today. (Don't judge me.) I noticed that, after a few bites, my fork was completely bent out of shape. (See image.) So, I took a look at the handle. "Compostable," it said.
In their endeavor to appeal to Millennials and other young people, companies are engaging in marketing campaigns that look and sound good but actually accomplish nothing.
Do you use plastic bags? Do you drink from plastic straws?
When I was in 5th grade, my elementary school teacher asked all of us to conduct an experiment at home.
In the 1967 blockbuster movie The Graduate, Dustin Hoffman's character Benjamin returns to his parents' house after college graduation and attends a party there that seems to be populated by mostly his parents' friends.
Always be selling seems to be the watchword on the Dr.Oz Show, or perhaps it should be called
ACSH friend and author Jack Dini published a very informative article countering many fears regarding common substances found
One of the N.Y.Times stable of scaremongers regarding common chemica