Though pneumonia and infection are among the litany of known complications following a water birth, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just reported two cases of Legionnaires’ Disease in newborns in Arizona born this way at home.
When we think of the word cure, we think of it as the end when, in fact, it is often the end of a beginning.
Video of Minnesota’s Governor—Mark Dayton— collapsing while giving last night’s State of the State address entered the media and digital echo chamber. Fortunately, it has been reported that he swiftly recovered, was assessed by EMTs at the si
You may have noticed a number of headlines referencing the “Tree Man” from Bangladesh with claims he is “cured” after 16 operations for his rare genetic disorder that transformed his hands and feet into bark-like warts and cutaneous horns.
All too frequently, the things we do daily become routine. This is likely true of many tasks in a multitude of professions. It’s just that in certain fields, like medicine, seemingly mundane and tedious duties can—all too often— provid
Are you shocked by this news? Me, not so much. But, hats off to the Harvard research team and their new approach to tackling gender inequality in medicine by getting back to the basics: Let the evidence speak for itself. An
Sepsis: it s a little discussed condition that packs a deadly punch.