
Sometimes, guys need a little help in the bedroom, and one option is to use a drug like Viagra or Cialis. The former works for about four hours, while the latter can work up to 24 hours or even longer. Why?
In 2019, I wrote an article called "4 Prescription Drugs People Hate." It was rather popular.
Organic or so-called "natural" products are all the craze. People wrongly believe, often because of purposefully misleading advertising, that these products are safer and healthier than other products.
Since I am a huge proponent of laughter often being good medicine, I didn’t have to look very far to find funny movie scenes that also delivered meaningful medical lessons. Limiting the number of options became the challenge!
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) adversely impacts over 30 million men in the United States to some extent.  Medical efforts to combat this considerable personal strain a
As practitioners of capitalism, Americans like to take for granted that competition keeps prices in check, which in turn keeps businesses on their toes while they deliver welcomed, price-trimming benefits to consumers.
If you want to read about sleaze, corruption, opportunists, a
Dr. Josh Bloom in Science 2.0