
Psychiatry was one of my early rotations as a third-year medical student just beginning clinical training. After years of exposure to science in the classroom and laboratories, its imprecision was unsettling.
Misguided COVID-minimizers like to say that COVID-19 is no worse than a cold that lasts a few days and then disappears without any sequelae. They’re so wrong, and the evidence of that continues to mount. 
The researchers were interested in when journalists used more intuitive language associated with System 1 (gut, visceral) thinking instead of System 2 more analytic, balanced words.
One of the consequences of the confused and, at times, complicated messaging of our public health system and the 24-7-365 drumbeat of the media is that fear has been a primary driver during COVID times.
As I have written before, I have rather severe asthma, which has been under control due to some 
Imagine a world where no matter where you turn, albeit your phone, the television, social media or a billboard, you are confronted with happy, healthy and even marginally optimistic images or messages?
SPOILER ALERT: A key theme in the movie will be revealed in this article.
Depression and anxiety are not always easy to detect.
Are you afraid of spiders? You aren't alone. (Well, except when it's just you and the spider.)
With the story of the elaborate rescue operation of the soccer team trapped in the Thai Cave captivating the world, reporters have just revealed a new detail that many find surprising.
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