Other Science News

News that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was scheduled to appear on FOX News's show "Tucker Carlson Tonight" this week raised concerns among those of us who follow the anti-vaccine movement closely.
Somewhere along the way critical reasoning and a healthy dose of skepticism were supplanted by tacit acceptance as fact press releases and publications generated from academic institutions, those “perfectly” credentialed and arbitrarily deemed sci
Do you know Conway’s law?  “Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure.” Simply put, our design reflects how we act and communicate.
There has rightfully been much public discussion on how to fight back against the scourge of fake news.
The growing cholera crisis in Yemen has, unfortunately, earned the title of "the largest cholera outbreak in the world."  
Adherence to medical treatment is not always an easy task. And while the Holy Grail leading to high adherence rates has yet to be found, financial incentives and the ubiquitous smartphones are frequently in the running as solutions.
In the simple marketplace, in Union Square’s Greenmarket, for example, you can look at the produce and may a reasonable judgment regarding its quality; the veracity of the sellers’ claims, organic or free-range are a given.
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