One might think that those who are interested in improving their health are also the types who welcome suggestions on ways to do just that. But that's not always the case.
Other Science News
A potentially heartwarming development has occurred in recent days.
HPV—Human Papillomavirus— is a frequently overshadowed sexually transmitted infection when the topic of STDs hits the spotlight.
In an all too common turn of events, former President George H. W. Bush and his wife Barbara were admitted to the same hospital for respiratory issues-- pneumonia and bronchitis, respectively.
McKesson Corporation [1] was fined $150 million in civil penalti
Science is one of the few institutions in America that has largely remained above the hyperpartisanship gripping our nation.
Like most, my initial reaction to such a challenge is “umm, no thanks.” But, I admit I am not much like the long distance running extreme endurance athlete set. A unique club.
The USDA announced last week that on-line providers of fresh food would begin participating in a pilot study with the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP).
Recently a breast cancer awareness campaign has been popping up on women's Facebook messengers, including my own.
In a world where optics, buzzwords and marketing magic carry as much meaning if not more than — it seems— the actual validity of the core concept or technology, nothing baffles me more than how a Theranos was able to rise and fall so precipitously