Other Science News

The job ad is appalling. NPR, which to its credit at least attempts to cover science and health, is looking for a new Science Editor. Unfortunately, actually being trained in science is not required for the job.
In 2016, on one spring day in Australia (around November), which is also thunderstorm season there, thousands of people began to have trouble breathing, all at the same time.
As I watched, along with the rest of the world, the press conference on the results of President Trump’s routine physical exam, questions flooded my mind about the immense scope of Rear Adm.
The advance of machines into medical diagnostics continues. Machines learn based upon a large dataset of images and linked conclusion - information on whether cancer or diabetic retinopathy or some other condition is present.
Why we are attracted to some people and not others is a complicated question. Of course, the reasons are multifaceted. But, is there part of the equation that is purely biological?
With the online dating market exploding into a multi-billion dollar business, it's no surprise that entrepreneurs crave a piece of the action.
At some point during our upbringing, the stereotype that men are more intelligent than women is likely to set in.
Time flies when you're visiting space, the moon ... and the heavens beyond.
In some precincts of Major League Baseball the placebo effect is alive and well. To that, there can be no dispute, especially given one of the most extreme examples of "cupping" that you are ever likely to see. 
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