Americans don't appreciate their government telling them what to do.
Germans don't have a lot of patience for nonsense, often to a fault.
"Social media sites like Facebook offer advertisers an easy and inexpensive channel to reach narrowly-defined audiences in a relatively unregulated setting."
Recently, a very good (male) friend of mine went through a painful and protracted divorce. Through our hours-long conversations, I learned about an author named Lundy Bancroft.
Usually, when we have something to say about California, it's bad. After all, this is the state that gave us Proposition 65, a smorgasbord of insane public health policies, and 38 seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.
"Things have not gotten as stupid as they are going to get."
What should we make of New York Times reporter Eric Lipton? Here is a man whose words are constrained neither by facts nor basic decency.
How many times have we heard in recent years that measles is no big deal? That it's just a harmless childhood disease (nicknamed "Mickey Mouse measles" following the Disneyland outbreak)?
For Americans, this past weekend was painful. On Saturday, an evil, deranged person murdered 22 people in El Paso, Texas. Not even 24 hours later, another evil, deranged person murdered nine in Dayton, Ohio.
As winter rolls into spring, we here at ACSH are springing ahead with our pro-science agenda. (Did you see what we did there?) Here's where we appeared in recent days.