
I have written extensively on privacy in the digital age, especially concerning healthcare. I suspect my concerns and those of many others are a little belated, and there is no better example than the “manhunt” for those rioting at the Capital.
The silly distinction between the terms "natural" and "synthetic" has come to a head because of the even sillier lawsuit against the Natural Beverage Corporation over the wording of the label of its LaCroix sparkling
The terms "natural" and "organic" have spurred a cottage industry in which companies and internet sleazebags compete to suck money out of the thoroughly manipulated and misguided American public. And it's been a smashing success! 
The myth that "natural is better" is widespread and pernicious. Though it can manifest in relatively harmless ways (e.g., consuming overpriced organic food), the relentless pursuit of all-things natural can be dangerous or even deadly.
When a mild fever strikes healthy kids or adults, that small rise in body temperature usually prompts a move towards th
When it comes to using microwave ovens, all the usual suspects line up to attack th
Maybe the name Yvette d'Entremont doesn
It s been a splendid week for those who are averse to evidence-based