Other Science News

It is a widely held belief that journals favor studies with positive findings, so what are authors to do when their conclusions are not “statistically significant?”  They use word craft to spin their report of nothing into something.
For Americans, April 15 is Tax Day. For some others around the world, April 15 is a day to block traffic and commit crimes. It’s for the environment, you see.
The Chinese media recently reported on a neurosurgeon successfully performing “brain surgery” robotically from a distance of 3000 kilometers.
Spring officially has sprung. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and the anti-vaxxers are getting restless. That's why we exist. So, here are some of the media mentions we received and other outreach we performed in recent weeks:
Our culture likes lists. Especially if they are distilled down versions of unwieldy, complex topics.
By Gautam Ramesh, Medical Student, University of California San Diego; Andrea LaCroix, 
As winter rolls into spring, we here at ACSH are springing ahead with our pro-science agenda. (Did you see what we did there?) Here's where we appeared in recent days.
Match Week is upon us! On Friday, soon-to-be-doctors throughout the country will learn their fate in terms of residency placement and career.
Conventional wisdom tells us that there are too many humans on this planet. But the data disagree.
One of the most beautiful aspects of science is that it transcends culture and language. Facts are facts, no matter if you speak English or German.
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